
Saturday, July 16, 2011


Salam.. hello... gud day everyone...!

How r u today... sihat ka? dh makan ka blom? haaaa yg ptng dh mangkit kah blom ehhehehe

Dh brapa ari x mai tang ni sbb sibuk nya sesgt laa.. sejak dok serius buat kek ni.. dulu dh buat... lama dh.. tp x serius sbb x dak keyakinan.. laa dh mai yakin tu baru laa brani buat serius sikit... Alhamdulillah... perlahan2 laa saya memajukan diri.. sy blajaq pn dr internet jaa selain mungkin mewarisi bakat arwah mak sya dlm pembuatan kek ni.. Abang2 sya pn semua chef2, terer belaka wat kek segala.. dulu masa anak dara, sy x pernah msk dapuq bila nk raya.. abang sy dok buat kek dekat 5,6 biji tgh2 mlm, mangkit pagi tgk dh siap!!

Bila sebut pasai memajukan diri ni.. ada juga org yg x brapa nak suka... biasalah dalam berniaga ni.. kdg2 rasa tertekan laa sgt sbb kenapa org marah.. kita sama2 la berniaga, sama sama laa naik.. takkan hang sorang jaa nk naik.. tp kalau laa p tny mesti dia kte dak.. dia x marah.. kita dh hdp lama... dh kenai dh perangai org... sy ni jenis x kedekut, terus terang ckp.. kalau saya ada dr segi apa pn wang ringgit, pengetahuan semua sy habaq kt orng tau... kongsi ilmu.. sampai suami teguq amboihh kalu semua nk habaq kt org, buat laa semua bg free jaa ahahahahah amboihhhh...

Lepaih ni kalau nk belajaq buat kek kaa apa kaa kena p laa jumpa SIS LEA SAFUAN blajaq.. ni hat cantik manis ni dia laa Sis Lea... sy pn x bkesempatan lagi blajaq dgn sis... x dan... ni tgh nk kumpui duit nk msk kelas individu eeheheheheh.... Saya memang cukup kagum dgn kejayaan Sis...

tu dia student Sis Lea berderet dh dpt sijil.. cheq x dak lagi.. huhu

tp ada yg kedekut pahit tau kekeke.. tp x pe.. dia x sokong ada ramaiiii lagi yang bagi sokongan.. terimakasih laa byk2...

Moral of the story, buanglah jauh2 sifat dengki mendengki dalam hidup kita naa... kita pn hidup sat jaa... kita pn pjm jugak dr Allah swt kan....

Saya pn mintakmaaf laa siap2 noo kot2 sy dh mengguris hati sesapa... sya meneguq sambil mengingatkan diri sndri juga... Alhamdulillah setkt ni sy blom laa nk dengki dgn org.. biaq laa dia jutawan sekalipn sy x dengki, sy kagum lagi ada... hrp2 sy pn dpt rezeki murah mcm depa yg dh berjaya tu...

Takat ni dulu naa... nnt kita jumpa lagi..


Tuesday, July 12, 2011




kikiki.... pagi2 dh Boria wooo.. tiba2 teringat kt Pearl of Orient.. lama dh x p... ghindu kt padang kota, gurney drive, dan yang paling ghindu nasi kandaqqqqq baik punya....... tp kalau cheq p sana dok lam Gurney Plaza x p mana pn dh ok dh ehehehehe

Dan.... Apabila teringat saja kt Penang.....nasi kandaq... mesti ada itu special Dalca..... sedap woo.. tp hangpa ingat p mintak resepi kt tok mamak tu, dia nk bg kaaa??? hurmmmm abih kuat dia dok srengeh jaa blk kt kita.... cetttt!!!!

Jadi, cheq ni bertuah laa sbb ada sorang kawan cheq dok sana muka sikit x dak mamak tp masak terer wooooo...... dia kalu masak.. siap ada tutorial... tu yg mahai tu ehehhehe... nama dia kan... AZURA YUSOF... orgnya manis, comey, gila2 (bkn gila tau) tp gila2 kira buleh geng laa ngn cheq.. ehehhehe Cheq pn dok merenyeh ngn dia dpt laa cheq resepi dalca dia yg mmg npk sedap gilerrrrrrrrr......

tanpa berlengah masa jom kita check it out bahannya....

bahan tumis....
2 inci halia di racik halus
1 biji bawang besar di mayang halus
1 ulas bawang putih di mayang halus
2 helai daun pandan di carik n disimpul
2 tangkai daun kari
1 helai bay leaf
2 btg kecil kulit kayu manis
2 bunga lawang
5 bunga cengkih
3 buah pelaga

bahan sayur.....
kalau dalca berdaging
3 biji ubi kentang potong 4
1 lobak merah potong berbaji
2 biji terung putih belah 2
secekak kacang panjang kerat2 sepanjang 1 inci
sebiji tomato belah 2
2 biji cili hijau belah 2

sayur tambahan.....
kalau dalca sayur
1 biji pisang potong baji
bunga kobis ikut suka banyak mana potong besar2
apa jua sayur yg dirasakan sesuai...
masa nk masak ... ikut turutan cepat atau lambat empuknya

1 cawan parpu (dhal) direbus, dilecek ketepikan
1 kg daging/kambing/ayam (ikut suka)
2 peket rempah daging (aku guna baba's)
2 inci halia dipotong nipis*
1 ulas bawang besar dipotong nipis*
1 ulas bawang putih dipotong nipis*
semua bahan*diblender dicampur dgn rempah kari ketepikan

minyak untuk menumis
garam secukup rasa
1 cawan santan
air secukupnya

1. panaskan minyak....tumis bawang tumis hingga keemasan
2. masukkan rempah, tumis sampai garing (pecah minyak)
3. masukkan daging kacau seketika....masukkan air masak sampai daging empuk.
4. masukkan bahan sayur ikut tahap cepat empuk. dlm proses ini di tambah air sedikit2 bila diperlukan.
5. masukkan kacang dhal yg dah di lecek....dan juga santan
6. sesuaikan rasa garam

Itulah diaaaa resepi bergambar pada kali ini.. menarik tak???? menarik sgt kan... bila nk masak tu, bukak laptop kaa, pc kaa, netbook kaa, blackberry, blueberry apa2 jaa laa, letak tepi dapoq... kalu x jadi jugak.. x tau laa cheq nk habaq... jadi apalagi.... buleh laaa buat makan thari sat lagi nooooo....

Buat sahabatku cik Azura Yusof, terima kasih byk2 nooo.. TERIMA KASIH DAUN KELADI, LAIN KALI BAGI RESEPI LAGI... BULEH CHEQ SHARE TANG NI.. ehehehehehe

Ok frens..... jumpa lagi.. SELAMAT MENCUBA!!! SHARING IS CARING!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011


Good Morning and Salam 1 Malaysia... wahhhh semangat2!!

Apa khabar frens???? I juz feel great tis morning as it was a bright sunny day out there... buka tingkap terus npk my orchids, bunga melor, bunga taik ayam yg kena beli skr ehehehehe....

Lega sdkt tis week as kita rs stressed skit last week... dgn rally yg x mendatangkan hasil tu membuat kan kita takut keluar, panic buying, etc etc.. fuhhh but Alhamdulillah keadaan telah aman semula insyaallah...

ehh lupa lak nk tnya.. u all dh bfast???? bfast apa arini.. meself as usual my delicious shakes ehehehhhe.... burpppp *excuse me... :) and again today juz prepare poached eggs wif toast for d kids... they jz love it... kome tau ke camner nk buat poached eggs ni??? nnt i share link dia ok...

actually arini walaupn sekolah cuti, am still gonna b bz.... first nk p bookstore cari english for beginners for my student.... nk p tempah namecards, buat banner n flyers sbb hubby suh all out la tis time baking, then kena g beli barang utk cake orders... thari class... petang masak..... malam mengaji... :)

tp yg paling mem'bz' diri saya adalahhhhhh yeayy MUHAMMAD AMIRUL ADLI kikiki.. nk kata notti, tak... tp mgkn too attached alrealy lah as since dia 6bln, mama udah berenti keje..... ssh cikit nk gerakkkk aaaaaaa...... tp x pe, pahala membela anak sendri ehehheheehhe

tapi ada kakak lega ler skit... boleh juga laa keluar tinggal kejap2 ngn kakak.. kalau tak, x leh buat keje. jd lambat.. eheheh apa2 pn mama syang anak2 mama....

so, setakat ni dulu utk pagi ini.... ada tugas lain menanti ehehhehe... moga kita berjumpa lagi.. have a pleasant day ahead frensss...

Sunday, July 10, 2011


ni pokok limau mat gebu...


Arini Ahad so byk masa rehat rehat rehat..... dr pagi keluar dgn suami n anak2... thari dok umah mengadap lappy ni.... rasa mcm otak beku ehehhehehe sbb x bergerak.... so dh ptg2 skit ajak2 anak2 keluar... sambil nk anta si sulung balik asrama.. lps anta dia.... kami terus lahh nk balik.. tp terigt plak nursery kt sbrg jln tu.. semlm dh bli pokok lemon n limau kasturi..... tp x ckp lak tanah.. trus laa p... dh sampai sgt mata jd sihat.. segar... bugar.... bunga2 pokok2 aduii rasa nk buat rumah je tepi nursery tu.. duduk pusing nursery dkt sejam sbb x tau nk bli pokok apa... tgk lemon bergayut, limau2, mcm2 buah laa.. pokok bunga rose.. orkid... etc etc.. aduihhh

sudahnya beli pokok cabai ehehehe sbb pokok yg lebat giler dulu buahnya dh bg kat mak angkat... ehhehe... balik rumah ajak anak tranfer lam pasu.. senyum2 sorang2 kt luar.. mesti neiber kate x betul ke minah ni.. ehehehhehehehe ada aku kesah????

seronok tgk2 pokok.. saje nk tanam2 bg sejuk umah tp bukan ler pokok yg besar2 tu... kang lain jd lakkk... :))

esok nursery tu tutup... tggu selasa nk amik orchid yg td suh dia tanam 3 pokok berlainan warna lam satu pasu.. ehehhehehehe..... x sabar.. td dia bz dan kita pn nk cpt, x smpt tunggu... hurmmm HIJAU HIJAU HIJAU..... :))

ok lah.. dh ngantuk.. esok kita jumpa lagi insyaallah.... selamat malam frens....


Salam.... gud afternoon.. Sunday.. so lambat sikit laaa..... ahhha fmly day.... dh masak ke frens..? sy arini beli luar jeeeeee... rest day...!!! mcm ari2 je rest day ni kakakak

Mesti sesetengah of u sdg berpikir apa tu tajuk kt atas tu kan??

Tau Sa Peah ni sejenis kuih org cina... sedap.... yg dlm dia ada kacang hijau tu... tp was2 nk makan sbb walau x de laa ingredients yg mencurigakan... tp air tgn cina tuuuu ehehehehehhe opppsss.... say no no to perkauman ;P

oleh kerana suka sgt makan ni dr kecil2 dulu.. sy usaha laa cari resepi dia.... tnya kt bakery cina dpn umah ni, hurrmmmmm kedekut ilmu!!!! mmg x caring betoi minah tu.. ahahhaha so cari laa merata.. so dh jumpa ni kt satu blog... so sy nk share lah resepi tu kt cni.. mana laa tauuuu kot2 ada yg minat juga kan.... jom kita check it out hehehhehe

The original Tau Sar Piah recipe.

Dough A

230 g Tepung Gandum
110 g Minyak

Dough B

460 g Tepung Gandum
220 g Minyak
180 g air
1 tsp cuka

180 g air
10 - 15 bawang merah kecil dihiris nipis2
300 g gula
3 tsp garam
3 tsp lada putih
600 g kacang hijau (mung beans)

1. Rendam kacang hijau 2 jam, kukus dan hancurkan.

2. Tmbh gula, garam dan lada putih dalam kacang tadi.

3. Panas kan minyak, goreng kan bwg merah tadi hingga kuning dan naik bau.

4. Tuang kan ke dalam adunan kacang td, goreng hingga adunan kering dan boleh dibuat bebola. Bahagikan filling tu hingga dpt 100 biji.

5. Mix A, buat 100 biji..

6. Mix B, pn bahagi jd 100 biji.

7. Wrap B around A. flatten it and roll it up. Flatten again and roll up.

8. Flatten and wrap the filling in it.

9. Sapu kuning telur atas tu then taboq laa bijan skit.... dah... ready msk oven...

10. Bake - 350 F for 10-15 mins.
Dough A = 4g or slightly less than 1/2 tsp
Dough B = 12g
Filling = 16g

ishhh x sabar nk wat sndri.. jom kita try okk...


Saturday, July 9, 2011


Hello.... gud afternoon... dh lunch??? jom2 baca ni...

Was at sushi king yesterday wif lovely frens Laila, Marie n Rus...

I’m pretty sure I could live on sushi. Seriously. Love-love-LOVE it! :-)

But as much as I enjoy hitting up our local sushi happy hours with friends, the sushi love is not always the easiest on the budget. :S So this year, I’ve made it my goal to learn to make really good sushi at home. And I’m happy to say – mission accomplished!!!

Now before you raise those skeptical eyebrows, hear me out. It it way simpler than you think! Granted, it takes a little time to prep the ingredients. (But this goes way faster if you have an extra set of hands!) And if you’re wanting to use raw fish, it’s essential that you pay a few extra dollars to be sure that it’s “sushi-grade”. But the assembly process is totally easy, and you can have the flexibility of mixing and matching whatever ingredients you love!! AND…the final cost is considerably more affordable than eating out. Cheers to that.

So if you’ve never tried making sushi at home, grab some friends, your chopsticks, your favorite ingredients, and really — give it a go!!! I think you’ll be completely surprised at how much fun, and just how completely delicious (and addictive!) sushi can be homemade! :-)

Jom lets us see...

Ingredients (to make approximately 3 rolls):


* 1 package nori (seaweed)
* 2 cups Jasmine “sushi” (short-grain) rice
* 2 Tbsp. rice vinegar
* 2 Tbsp. sugar
* 1 tsp. salt
* toasted sesame seeds (optional)


* 1/2 lb. sushi-grade fish (salmon, tuna, crab, etc.)
* thinly sliced vegetables (I used avocado, red pepper, cucumbers, carrots and green onions)
* thinly sliced cream cheese (optional)

Spicy Mayo Sauce:

* 2 Tbsp. mayonaisse
* 2 Tbsp. Sriracha

Dipping (optional):

* soy sauce
* wasabi
* pickled ginger (served on the side)


* rice cooker
* bamboo mat
* plastic wrap (Saran wrap)
* small bowl of water (about 1 cup) mixed with 2 Tbsp. rice vinegar


The key to a fun sushi-making experience is to prep, prep, prep all of your ingredients beforehand, so that you can have fun assembling.

Rice: Rinse and drain the rice under cold water a few times until the water is no longer milky. Then cook the rice according to your rice cooker’s instructions. (You can also cook it in a saucepan on the stove, but it’s really difficult to have it not get super clumpy.)

While it cooks, prepare the rice seasoning mixture. In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, stir together the rice vinegar, sugar and salt, and bring to a boil. Remove from heat.

Once the rice is cooked, remove it from the rice cooker and spread it out in a pan (or cookie sheet, or whatever works), and sprinkle with the rice seasoning mixture. Then cover it with a damp towel and let it cool until the rice is room-temperature. (You can pop it in the fridge to speed this up.)

Filling: The filling is the fun part! Choose whatever filling ingredients you’d like, and just basically cut everything into long, small strips. (When cutting filets of meat or seafood, just be sure to cut against the grain.)

Spicy Sauce: This is optional, but adds great flavor to any sushi. Just whisk together the mayo and Sriracha together in a small bowl until combined.

Dipping Sauce: Combine soy sauce, and then whisk in (or use your chopsticks to blend in) as much or as little wasabi as you’d like. (Always start with less and add more, if you’ve never used wasabi!)

Bamboo Mat: Finally, prepare your bamboo mat. (You can either use little sushi mats, or just get a large bamboo placemat – I found mine at Dollar Tree.) Basically, you just need to completely wrap it in plastic (Saran) wrap. I usually do two layers, just so it doesn’t accidentally come off, but make it happen however you’d like. This helps the rice not stick to the mat during the assembly/rolling process.

Assembly: My favorite part! For sushi rolls, you can either make them with the rice on the inside (considerably easier) or on the outside.

To begin, lay out a piece of nori on your plastic-wrapped bamboo mat. Then have your bowl with water and rice vinegar sitting nearby. Dip your fingers in the water/vinegar mixture (this helps the rice not stick to your fingers), and then pick up a small handful of rice and gently press it onto the nori. The goal is to spread out the rice so that it’s uniformly thin (or if you like a lot of rice, you can make it fairly thick), and that it extends clear to the edges of the nori. (Although then if you’re making rolls with rice on the inside, be sure to leave an extra centimeter on the bottom edge of the nori uncovered, so that you can seal the roll at the end.)

(I recommend dipping your fingers in the water/vinegar mixture constantly, to be sure that the rice sticks to the nori and not your fingers!)

For rolls with rice on the inside: Go ahead and layer your sliced filling ingredients (along with some spicy sauce if you’d like) along the top of the nori, on top of the rice. Try to lay out the ingredients as close together as possible.

For rolls with rice on the outside: Carefully flip over the rice/nori sheet, and gently press down to compress the rice. Then layer the sliced filling ingredients at the top of the nori as mentioned above.

Then it’s time to rock and roll! :-)

The idea is to use your bamboo mat to help roll the sushi tightly, rather than just picking up the nori to roll it with your fingers. So very carefully, lift up the mat underneath the top of the nori (where your filling is), and begin to roll it over — making sure that the initial edge gets tucked under before rolling out the entire thing. Again, the goal is to try and roll it as tightly and evenly as possible. If you need to back up and re-roll to make it a little tighter, go for it!

Once you finish, I generally give the sushi a few more gentle rolls with the bamboo mat to make sure it’s nice and evenly-round. (And if you’re doing rolls with rice on the inside, just add a little water to the uncovered nari in order to seal the roll.) You can then sprinkle some sesame seeds on the outside of the roll (if rice is on the outside), and then give it another roll with the bamboo mat to seal them on.

Then take a (very sharp!) knife, and begin to cut the rolls into your desired thickness of bites. Since the rice often sticks to the knife, I like to have a wet towel nearby to wipe off the knife blade after every 1-2 cuts. (It’s better to refrigerate the rolls for 10 minutes before cutting them into bites, so that the ingredients can “set”. But if you’re impatient like me, you can go ahead and dive in!)

Repeat to make as many rolls as you’d like. Then serve the rolls laid out next to your dipping sauce, and some ginger if you’d like!

Ali’s Tip:

If your rolls aren’t tight enough, you may have added too much filling. Or, you likely didn’t get the initial roll (where you tuck the edge under) tight enough. Don’t be afraid to re-roll to get it your desired level of compactness. :-)

But either way…it still tastes good!

Also, if you are using ANY sort of raw fish or meat, be absolutely sure that you buy it at a “sushi-grade” level of freshness. The staff at your meat counter can help you with this. Then be sure to keep it refrigerated except when you’re actually rolling the rolls, and serving the sushi.

I'm sharing tis from one of d blogger... thx to Ali.... ;))


Salam, gud morning frens....

It was a bit tiring day for me yesterday n am so lazy to cook for dinner... came back at 7 and straight away to d kitchen prepared d great 2 MINUTES NOODLES (MAGGI MEE ler tu) for dinner ahahha.... After two hours my kids especially my one n only daughter cik Nuiz complaint tat she's still hungry... hurmm... like it or not i still have to look for something for them to eat.... open d fridge n saw beautiful chicken wings smiling at me hehehe..... was still thinking what to do with them.. n finally Nuiz suggested to fry them.... but instead of frying we baked them!!!!! or u may call it roasted chicken wings!!!

I followed d recipe from all recipes but altered a bit here n there as some of d ingredients was unavailable at home. it turned out to be so fresh n delicious... so, let me share with all of u d recipe....


* 5 tablespoons soy sauce
* 1/4 cup brown sugar
* 2 tablespoons curry powder
* a pinch of salt
* 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder (i used 4 garlic blend dry)
* 24 chicken wings


1. Whisk together the soy sauce, brown sugar, curry powder, salt and garlic powder in a bowl. Arrange the chicken wings in a 9x13-inch baking dish, and pour marinade over the chicken. Cover the baking dish with plastic wrap, and marinate in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. ( the kids couldn't wait tat long so i shortened d period to 30 mins)
2. Preheat an oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Remove the plastic wrap from the baking dish.
3. Bake in the preheated oven until the chicken wings are no longer pink in the center, about 1 hour, basting occasionally.

So frens.... remember, when u r out of ideas... try this out... yummeh!!!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Hi...... dok terpk2 apa nk share resepi arini ek??? tiba2 ternpk wajah seseorng, terus terigt beliau penah post resipi yg best tu...

penah dgr bakso kan....? makanan femes kt Indon nuuu ehehheehhhe.... skr negara kita pn dh separuh indon ahahahhaa..... jd skr nk share lak resipi bakso... dpt resipi ni pn dr org sana.... bibik kepada kawan dan adik sya Lily Elyna *(tu yg cantik manis tu dia laaa ) ehehhe.... nama bibik tu kan..Mbak Harti *(bibik gambaq x buh nnt org berkenan )ehehehhe.... bakso yg best tu part meatballs tu kan.. ehhh kecur lakkk ayaq lioqqq... eehehee jom tgk resepinya...


Bahan2 nya :-

Tulang lembu (pemanis/stock)

Bebola Daging

Bawang Merah - kisar

Bawang Putih - kisar

Lada Hitam

Lada putih

Kemiri/ Buah Keras - Tumbuh Halus

Bawang Putih dan Bawang Merah di hiris dan di goreng

Daun Sup - Hiris

Daun Bawang - Hiris

Kiub Ayam

Garam secukup rasa

Cara-caranya :-

Rebus tulang lembu.

Tumis di kuali bawang putih, bawang merah sehingga wangi. Masukkan lada hitam, lada putih dan kemiri yang telah di tumbuk halus tadi. Masukkan kiub ayam dan garam secukup rasa. Setelah masak, masukkan tumisan ke dalam air rebusan tulang lembu tadi dan rebus sehingga mendidih. Masukkan bebola daging. Akhir sekali taburkan bawang putih dan bawang merah yang telah di goreng tadi biar wangi sup. Semasa menghidang, taburkan daun bawang dan daun sup.

Sambal kicap :-

Tumbuk cili padi. Campur kicap manis dan perah limau nipis.

Boleh di makan bersama Mee , Bihun, Su'un dan Ketupat Nasi....

Simple kan.. sap sap soii leh buat..... jom ler kita buat ok... muahhhhhh!!!

Thank you my dear Lily Elyna....

Gaya Hidup yg baru...

Salam Jumaat... sekejap je rasa dh smpai Jumaat balik... gitu laa hari2 kita sekarang kan... arini tiba2 rasa nk share dgn u all tentang gayahidup saya skr... takdalah byk sgt beza dr dulu ttp tetap berbeza....

Dulu... sy sllu rasa selesa atas semua perkara... segalanya nya lah.. dr diri sendiri, keluarga, persekitaran.. sebab pada saya, saya x kacau org, org x kacau sya, dah.. setel.. tp x laaa... dok dlam umah pn x berkembang minda.. ehehhehe keluar jugak laa tapi sekadar keluar hantar anak p sekolah, ambik dr sekolah... kuar beli barang, isi minyak keta.... cam tu laaa sy habiskan 5 thn sejak berhenti kerja dulu.... dok laaa mengadap anak2, suami, umah.... itu je... jarang2 sekali dpt nk keluar dgn kawan2 ker apa ke.... bukan x mau... tp terasa mcm suami x brape suka.... hurmmm

jadi... apabila duduk dirumah.... x de apa nk buat.. sy asik berintenet laa.. kdg2 rasa buang masa byk gak laa kt cni tp ada juga yg bermanfaat.. dr x reti lgsg buat kek, kupkek.. skr dh reti laa siap dh boleh amik oder... ari2 dok ngadap itu je laa.. baguskan, lepas juga duit dapur ehhhe... sbb kalau ikutkan, apa yg hubby sediakan dh lebih dr cukup tp dr dok nganga kt umah baik do sumting kan... DAN.... apabila dok masak masak dan masak.... makan membina laa badan sekali... takkan masak je kan, mesti laa nk makan ahhhahaha.... bila sedar badan dh rasa berat.. diet kejap... baru turun 2,3 kilo makan balik... produk diet tu mcm2 la cuba yg kt pasaran tu.. mmg ada yg berkesan tapi x teruskan pulak... kata org tu "hangat2 taik ayam".... bila stop, selera bertambah laaa.. double up d weight we've lost lakk...

dlm setahun dua ni... sy sndri jaga juga laa makan sbb x pernah ada penyakit tapi buat blood check up, wahhhhh kolestrol tiba2 at risk ok... gabra laa juga... so just control makan laa skit, mslhnya semua yg kita makan tu semua berkolestrol (yg sedap je le ehehe)... tp... makan x byk pn... berat x turun2 gak... kawan2 try Atkins diet, kita pn try.. turun tp x mcm kwn kita.... ehhhhh apasal ek?????

Ada sorang kwn tu ari2 dok ajak dtg nutirition club dia.. sbb dia pn dh kurus.. malasnya rasa nk pegi sbb apa???? sbb tau produk tu mahal, takut x boleh nk tampung... lama gak laa pikirnya.. hingga satu hari...terasa badan dh berat tahap gaban... nk gerak x larat dah.... terus lah pegi jumpa kawan tu... tnya dia apa yg dia nk buat....? dia pn terangkan lah... rupa2nya yg berat x turun2 tu walau diet sbb pertama salah cara diet, kedua x makan lgsg, ketiga body fat dh tinggi sgt... ohhh gitu.. baru la tau.... terus dia bg kita prog utk ikut... mcm trial laaa... so pegi je laa... hari 1, 2, 3, 4.. dan jengjengjeng hari 5.. inches loss u... wahhhh hebat ni... tp blom hebat laa sbb bdn dh obese kan.. so dia syorkan teruskan prog 7 hari... sy kate ok... balik rumah... fikir....

camana ni? produk mahal kauu... ckp ke duit ni????? sebulan dekat2 7,8 ratus... aduiii... jd teruslah bincang dgn d great Mr Hubby sbb bank nyer dia.. ehehhe.. pada mulanya dia diam je... sbb maybe lam ati dia dok kate "aku dh jenuh bg beribu suh utk diet, slimming center pegi sekerat jalan, totalife beli, x hbs, 2b model laa, itu la ini laa, x npk hasil pn... ehehhe.." lps lenguh mulut saya bercakap, akhirnya dia bersuara... "x pe lah, kalau mama rasa boleh sihat, beli lah...".. aaaaaaa rasa mcm dia campak emas ateh riba ahahahahaha.. mlm tu jugak pegi club bincang ngn cik Shasakila nk bli n minum kt umah... at first dia x brapa bagi laa minum di rumah sbb tkt kita mengelat eheheh.... tp akhirnya dia setuju... dgn happynya la saya bawak blk sekotak ke rumah...

bermula lah hari bersama Herbalife... kalau ikut dulu2 mmg x lalu nk telan shake ni... tp herbalife ni sedapppp... i amik cappucino.. rasa cam tiramisu kot.. ehehhe

yg penting air kena minum byk.. inilah masalah sy sebenarnya yg ssh nk trn berat.. sy x suka minum byk sbb malas nk ke ladies sesaje.. walhal itu laa cara kita buang toksin.. ehehe

yg paling sy suka sy dh bertenaga semula... x penat2, malas2.... bdn rasa ringan.. hati pn gumbira....

ok nnt sy update lagi progress.. mulai dr skr sy x mo hirau apa org kata... sy nk buat cara ni... mana ler tau.. lemak2 tu leh jadi emas kahkahkah......

ok frens... nnt kita jumpa lagi ek..... :)))

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Hi again, well now as I am on diet wif my Herbalife... i would prefer to choose foods that suitable for my diet... last nite, I had dinner wif tis simple diet soup... i hope all my frens out there will try this....


* 1 medium head cabbage, chopped
* 1 onion, chopped
* 3 large carrots, chopped
* 3 stalks celery, chopped
* 3 tomatoes, chopped
* 16 ounces frozen green beans
* 2 (1 ounce) packages dry onion soup mix (i used a pinch of maggi cukup rasa)
* 6 cups water


1. Combine water, soup mix, and vegetables in a large stock pot. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer until the vegetables are tender.

Well frens... let's try tis simple diet soup..


Salam... lama sungguh x update blog ni.. hurmm.. rindu plak... arini nk share pics cuppies yg teman2 order.... seronok juga wat cuppies ni.. dr zero hingga dh boleh laaa buat.. ehehhee jom lihat.... kikiki

yang ni lak kan cam signature cuppies lak. ramai org order ni berulang2.. maybe sal warna warni tu ek.. heheh alhamdulillah..